"There is no modesty in greatness."
I can't remember if I made this up or if I heard it somewhere, but I've been using it high school and lately in working with campus-based organizations it's becoming more relevant in my life.
I think that once people reach a certain level of skill and accomplishment, false modesty is annoying and fake. Now, I don't think that people should just throw humility out the window, but I don't think people need to deny achievement to appear modest.
Lately I've been forgetting this mantra of mine and letting people lead me into thinking I'm not producing better things than the people around me, or that they've worked with. All to be more modest, in fear of sounding like an asshole that doesn't work well with others. Am I the best thing since sliced bread? Hell no. Am I good enough for the people I've been working with to just trust me and let me do me - yes.
I think the only "greatness" I have is when I'm compared to crappy stuff. And since there's so much crappy stuff out there, I'll be asserting my comparative-greatness more often when I work with people (for free) that work with crappy stuff.
Soooo that wraps up this rant.
peace. love. fro.
Aaand, random. Lol @the Rachel in the Dark night being so sure Batman was going to choose her.
Like the post. Was thinking along the same lines recently. For some people it can work wonders, but for others who just don't recognize respect, general people skills, rapport, and vibing, it can be a disaster, because he or she will continue to be a (confident) jackass.